ATTENTION: Copywriters...
If you’re not making it as a copywriter
it might NOT be your writing skills…
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“I now earn more, from better clients who want to work with me, because of Roy and his teachings.” 

- Chris Wright, A-List Copywriter, Founder YourConversion.Partners
What people are Saying:
Roy cuts to the chase and tells the real truth about what it takes to succeed as a copywriter. His advice may not be what you want to hear but it sure is what everyone who considers writing professionally should hear...if you want to succeed.
-  Keith Duncan
I bought this guide and consumed it in one sitting.  It was just what I needed to position an irresistible offer to pitch a big hitter in an industry I’ve never written for. I'm confident I'll be able to receive higher fees now that I see how Roy does it. Well worth the few bucks in order​ to see the math to make $1Million from one sales letter.
- Eric Bakey
Great information for the new copywriter. Thanks for sharing it.  As a person who is new and training with AWAI, any information that guides me down a successful path is greatly appreciated. The book is thought provoking and insightful. Very worth studying and following the author's advice.
- Mary

From the Desk of Roy Furr

Freelance Direct Response Copywriter since 2010

Dear Future Copywriting Rockstar,

Roy Furr here. And I want to tell you…

This new book for copywriters is NOT about writing better copy. 

It’s about running a better copywriting business. 

You see, in my first decade in marketing and as a successful copywriter (working with some of the best in the business)…
I've found that in at least 9 out of 10 cases...
  • There’s A BIG DIFFERENCE between copywriters who make a great living, build a great copywriting business, and live a lifestyle to love…
  • ​And those who are always floundering and failing to live the life they dream of — the life they’ve been promised…
I've coached copywriters.  I've been a copy chief.  I've met and talked with copywriters at events.  I've gotten emails from readers and fans.  I've seen the discussions on social media.  

And this one nasty truth keeps coming up...

UNFORTUNATELY: There are way too many copywriters who are NOT as successful in their businesses as they hoped they'd be!

In those 9 out of 10 cases, it’s NOT about their writing ability.

Nope… In 9 out of 10 cases, the copywriter is missing something else.

Either the mindset it takes to put themselves out there and create great success as in their copywriting business…

OR… Practical understanding of the business skills of a copywriter.

Let me put that another way…
If you’re not making it — yet — as a copywriter, the problem probably isn’t your copy! It’s what you have in your head — dealing with your mindset and how you’re approaching your copywriting BUSINESS.
That’s why I created The Copywriter’s Guide To Getting Paid.

Because I want to help you land awesome clients and earn a great living through your copywriting business… By teaching you those missing mindset and business skills secrets that all successful copywriters know, many aspiring copywriters don’t.

In order to get the raw truth about this subject, I worked with a special team put together by marketing superstar Dean Jackson (co-host with Joe Polish of the stellar I Love Marketing Podcast).

Dean’s right-hand woman for these projects, Susan Austin, got on the phone with me and together we dove into what you need to know to get paid as a copywriter.
I held nothing back. (I’ve included a huge list of what you’ll discover in the book below.)
Then I worked with Dean’s team to edit the transcriptions of that interview, to add depth and dimension and clarity to every point I made.

Plus, I threw in what I thought to be some of the most critical essays I’ve written for copywriters as Appendices to the book.

Oh yeah, and the one and only Brian Kurtz wrote the foreword.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, Brian is the guy who put on The Titans of Direct Response, which I wrote the sales letter for. This was the event superstar copywriter Dan Kennedy called “The event of the decade.” The ONLY event legendary copywriter Gary Bencivenga has ever (and will ever) come out of retirement for. And event that attracted hundreds of top marketers from around the globe, featuring the best-of-the-best copywriters and direct marketers alive today. 

Brian was also Executive VP and business-builder at one of the top direct marketing companies of all time, Boardroom, Inc., where he hired and worked with the best copywriting talent in the world. During his 34 years at Boardroom, Brian helped the company grow from a few million dollars per year to over $150 million in peak annual revenue, largely on the back of great copy. (In short, he knows exactly what copywriters need to do to get paid from a great client like him!)
The Copywriter’s Guide To Getting Paid is a quick read — you might even get through it in one sitting. But you can apply its lessons to get paid more for the rest of your copywriting career.

The paperback retails on for $6.99 plus shipping.  And you can get the Kindle version there, too.

Here’s why you should buy it from me instead…
Download all formats immediately...
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You'll have your choice of .mobi, .epub, and .pdf versions of the book. The buttons to instantly download each will be on your order confirmation page.  You can't get the .pdf or .epub versions anywhere else — only here.  
Plus get 2 extra hours of FREE training, hand-selected to help you build your copywriting business…
As soon as you order your copy of The Copywriter's Guide To Getting Paid through this page, I have another treat for you.

On the download page you'll get links to 8 hand-selected training videos that are especially relevant for you at this point in your copywriting journey.

This is over 2 hours of BONUS training collected here for you...
  • You'll discover secrets to get your first copywriting client — and more after that.
  • ​Why you might NOT want to call yourself a copywriter when trying to get clients — and what to say instead.
  • ​The best way to start as a copywriter.
  • ​The fastest way to get good at copywriting.
  • ​A HUGE copywriting myth that might be holding you back.  
  • ​How to make clients want to hire you.
  • ​The #1 copywriting skill today.
It's all there on your download page, as soon as you complete your order on this page.
Get daily tips to help you achieve even more success as a copywriter…
The reality is that the business is always changing. And, I’m always growing and identifying more unique ways to help copywriters earn more.

Whenever I have an update, a new discovery, a breakthrough for you…

… Plus any other information relevant to you as a buyer of The Copywriter’s Guide To Getting Paid

I’ll share!

When you order The Copywriter's Guide to Getting Paid, you'll also get added to my daily Breakthrough Marketing Secrets email list.  I release new episodes every day, via YouTube and podcast, plus offer exclusive trainings for my email subscribers.  You'll be able to unsubscribe any time, of course, but I don't think you'll want to based on the feedback I get.
Grab your book download now!
Every Aspiring Copywriter Should Read This Book. I landed my first client seven days after reading Roy's book. And if you do what Roy says, you can easily do the same. Needless to say, this is a must have book for any copywriter who wants to get their first client or land better, higher paying clients.
-  Tjark Hartmann
Here's what you'll discover in the pages of
The Copywriter's Guide To Getting Paid...
  • What to do to start making money in your copywriting business, even if you feel completely unprepared and unqualified for success…
  • ​Here’s what to say when you want to get hired with ZERO experience (and how to say it)…
  • ​The one thing you MUST be willing to do to achieve copywriting success… 
  • ​The secret to launching your copywriting career when you’re still grinding away at your J-O-B…
  • ​Terrified of getting clients? Here’s the secret to fighting your fear… 
  • ​Mortgage, kids, financial responsibility for your family’s livelihood? I faced it all when launching my independent copywriting biz… Here’s what you need to know!
  • ​The true story of how my copywriting skills earned me a $10,000 “big check” on stage…

And the $10,000 check goes to...

Here I am, being awarded a $10,000 “big check” prize as the industry’s hottest up and coming direct response copywriter… So yeah, I probably know at least something about becoming a copywriter!
  • One question decides how much you’ll make in your copywriting business (before you write a single word)…
  • The one thing that can make sure you get paid more as a copywriter — even if you’re not a very good one!
  • ​The biggest job of a copywriter: fulfilling desires and creating enjoyment… Do this, earn more. 
  • ​Why I say “NO!” when someone asks if I write SEO copy, articles, or blog posts for clients…
  • ​The kind of copywriting that’s easiest to sell to clients (for high fees)… 
  • ​The hidden psychology behind using an “irresistible offer letter” to get copywriting clients (this is how I put myself on the map and started my independent copywriting career)…
  • How to make it almost impossible for a potential client to say “no” to hiring you — and incredibly easy for them to say “YES!”
  • ​One good measure of the kind of client you want to approach to get your first copywriting gig (this makes it easier to get a winner in your portfolio)…
  • ​Trust: how I knew my first client was going to pay my fee (even when I was doing all the work before getting a single cent)… 
  • ​The truth about SPEC WORK…  
  • ​Secret method for landing dream clients with spec work, even when they don’t offer it… 
  • ​When copywriters should write on spec, and when they should flat refuse (this positioning secret can either keep you in the minor leagues, or raise your reputation and fees with the highest-paying copywriting clients in the world)…
  • ​The last time I broke my rules about writing on spec, and why I was willing to write for a client for free (turned into a six-figure client relationship)…
  • ​When you can actually get paid more by offering to write for free…
  • ​How to turn a small fee into a big income (this is one of my greatest copywriting business secrets)…
  • Break into the big leagues in 5 years or less — how to leapfrog your way into working with the biggest and best marketers in the industry…
  • ​Stupid-simple, low-pressure way to approach clients, get gigs…
  • ​Clients NEED copywriters — understand this one thing at the core of your being, and it’s an earth-moving shift in getting awesome clients and getting paid…
  • ​The “magic word” that attracts riches to your copywriting business (say this to a client, they may hire you on the spot)…
  • ​Why it’s actually EASIER today to break in with top-shelf copywriting clients than ever before…
  • ​When to STOP marketing your copywriting services (get this wrong, and it can keep your income low for life)…
  • ​The one thing you can do TODAY that can generate a steady flow of work next week, next month, next year…
  • ​Stolen! The step-by-step process I took from “Mad-Man” David Ogilvy to win gigs with the exact clients I wanted to work with (I’ve never seen this applied as I recommend and NOT turn into business)…
  • ​Why getting new clients every week or month may be limiting your income — this secret makes your life easier AND makes you more money…
  • ​2 reasons your second project with a client is often far more profitable than your first (also applies to projects 3, 4, 5, 10, etc.)…
  • ​The client-copywriter relationship distinction that makes all the difference between constant struggle and potentially very large paydays…
  • ​If you suck as a human being, you need not apply — why horrible people fail in this business…
  • ​Getting paid: what the world’s richest copywriters know about how to structure their business deals…
  • Why getting paid hourly is a raw deal for independent copywriters (and should be avoided at all costs — EVEN losing the client!)…
  • ​“What you want is a client who will pay by the _________.” Fill in the blank!
  • ​How to know if your fee is big enough. (This actually has NOTHING to do with the client, their needs, or their squeamishness about writing you big checks.)
  • ​Why I demand royalties from clients — but never rely on them… I still always get paid what I’m owed, but this mindset saves me a ton of anxiety…
  • ​If you don’t trust your clients to pay your fees, here are your two choices for what to do about it…
  • ​Retainers and salaries: I’ve taken them, I’ve passed on them — here’s what you need to know to decide if they’re right for you…
  • ​“The biggest distinguishing factor for whether a copywriter is going to be very successful financially or not.”
  • ​How to structure “pay-for-performance” arrangements — do the work once, get paid for years! 
  • ​What percentage royalties should you charge?
  • ​“Advance against royalties” versus “fee plus royalties” — what each means, and why I always choose one over the other.
  • ​How I’ve succeeded as a copywriter, even when I admittedly sucked at self-promotion… 
  • ​This 1-2 PUNCH can get you all the work you can handle…
  • How to stay on your prospect’s radar without feeling like a pest — I’ve used this to close $30,000 deals…
  • ​3 questions to ask prospective clients that are far more likely to get you a gig than any “selling” you can do…
  • ​Once you have cash flow, here’s how to build a long-term career and business as a copywriter (and make clients come to you, not you to them)…
  • ​How to establish expertise and authority in your niche (this attracts clients and justifies higher fees for the same work)…
  • ​The single-best thing you can do to instantly elevate your credibility, and have your ideal clients assigning tremendous power and authority to you (along with the expectation they’ll have to pay higher fees)… 
  • ​If you want to get paid more and for success to come easier, here’s what you MUST be known for…
  • ​What even rookie and novice copywriters should focus on TODAY, even if its impact on income won’t be felt for months or years down the road…
  • ​How some copywriters earn 100X what others do…
  • ​The top place today to get a J-O-B that will give you an instant “in” with most of the direct marketing industry…
  • ​My personal secret to getting paid (well) to get a rounded marketing education…
  • ​Why I almost universally advise AGAINST copywriters getting gigs with ad agencies…
  • ​This one thing can put you in your client’s shoes AND teach you the complete marketing process better than almost any other copywriting opportunity out there (and, if you’re successful, it could eliminate your need to chase clients for life!)…
  • ​How using my copywriting skills on a tiny “hobby” project turned into thousands of dollars of automatic side income…
  • ​The one major REGRET even the most successful veteran independent copywriters have shared with me — if they could tell themselves one thing at the beginning of their copywriting careers (about how to be more successful, make more, have an easier life), this would be it…
  • ​“The richest copywriters that I know have all done THIS.” This destroys the freelance copywriting model, and gives you the opportunity to make far more money, far faster, than you ever could in working with clients.
  • ​How high is high? How one copywriter I know bought a ($5 million) retirement house in The Hamptons with a couple months’ work…
  • My first “wake up call” to how much money you can make with copywriting, how fast (“a few weeks of work can earn you as much in royalty as the average American family earns in a year”)…
  • ​Why the “average” copywriter is a failure — and how YOU can avoid their fate…
  • ​Secret to success: failure is okay, even good… Here’s why!
  • ​This is what you need to do today if you want to start getting paid (well) as a copywriter…
  • ​A copy of the EXACT letter I sent to land my first copywriting client — and how YOU can adapt it to get great clients for yourself…
  • ​If you’re a copywriter and you think clients will pay you to write, you’re wrong… 
  • ​You need marketing chops… And here’s how (and why) I got a marketing job to get them BEFORE breaking out on my own as a copywriter…
  • ​9 criteria of a perfect copywriting client — the more they match up on, the easier your life will be, and the more you’ll get paid!
  • ​A copywriter asked me to tell him the secret to earning six-figures per year ($8,500 per month) in this biz… Here’s the no-holds-barred, no-punches-pulled letter I wrote back to him… (I gave him an exact formula.)
  • ​3 words to carry with you every day, that will help you accomplish far more than you could ever imagine…
Remember, you pay just $4.99 today and you get The Copywriter’s Guide To Getting Paid, along with an exclusive 2-hour collection of bonus training when you buy through this page.

And with what you learn, you’ll quickly realize that TODAY is the first day of the rest of an even bigger, brighter future! 

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr

Editor, Breakthrough Marketing Secrets 
Author, The Copywriter’s Guide To Getting Paid
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“A few years back I got your Copywriter's Guide To Getting Paid book. I didn't realize it at the time, but it helped me set some amazing foundations. Everything from making irresistible offers to clients, suggesting tests, and my favorite - successful people bully themselves.” 

- Fotis Chatzinicolaou

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